
black flag

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black flag

shiver me timbers!
arrgh, matey! oops, i don't have members.
i will get some hot lass who knows my rock
land-ho! yosh, beautiful girl at nine o'clock
on my target. ho-on my way!
right-!left!-right!-left! right!. shit. a gay
searching for another target
jolly roger spotted, wow she's wearing scarlet,
oh-my-god. she's really a hot stuff.ho-on my way!
understanding circumstances, ho-on my prey!
rog..roger..roger that.. ouch. shes dating the admiral
no chances to overhaul
every marine is on their move. Chantey, Shantey, Shanty.
yo-ho-ho .. naahht maaah day. tooday yeaaaaah. baby.

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